How Your Privacy Became a Weapon – And What You Can Do About It

What is a weapon? One dictionary defines that term as “any implement  used to deter, threaten, inflict physical damage, harm, or kill.”

Over the course of human history weapons have evolved from rocks to clubs to knives to guns.

But in a world connected through online communication, your privacy has become the most dangerous weapon of all.

Private Data About San Francisco’s BART Police Now Online, After the Latest Law Enforcement Hack

Recently, the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Police Department revealed that police personnel files were stolen in a ransomware attack and posted on the dark web. This is not the first such attack against BART personnel; in 2011, hackers released more than 100 officers’ email addresses, passwords and personal data.

That’s going to result in some bad press for a fine organization, but the fact is that no public entity is immune to such attacks. From the largest global entities to the smallest municipal library, hackers can strike anywhere.

360Civic Partner Honored by TIME Magazine

Every year TIME Magazine selects a few outstanding, innovative products for inclusion on its Best Inventions list – a celebration of innovations that make the world a better, safer place.

This year we were pleased – though certainly not surprised – to see NordVPN on the 2022 list. We know a great product and a great company when we see one – that’s why we added NordVPN service to the enhanced IronWall360 security protection 360Civic provides to its premium clients. The service is also available to our basic subscribers for a nominal fee.

Three Myths About Online Privacy

A recent research survey by NordVPN found that more than half of Americans (55%) would delete themselves from the internet if they could.

This is understandable, considering all of the ransomware attacks and corporate hacks we’ve read about over the past decade. And for judges and police officers, having their personal information accessible online represents an additional danger to themselves and their families.

Uber Hacked – If They Knew Where You Live, Now Others Do Too

The ride-hailing service Uber suffered a major data breach not long ago. The company reported that the hacker did not gain access to sensitive user data.

What Qualifies as Sensitive Data?

Usually that refers to credit card information, bank account numbers or social security numbers, all of which can be used to profit by identity theft.

Biometric Data: Safer Than Passwords? Not So Fast

One of the fastest growing markets in online security is biometrics, a system in which you unlock devices like your cell phone using a fingerprint, voice recognition, or facial and iris (eye) recognition. It's billed as being safer since, unlike a password that can be stolen, your unique physical features are yours alone and cannot be hacked or duplicated.

Gun Owners’ Private Content Leaked by the Department of Justice

We are pleased to announce that our company will offer 90 days of free online privacy protection for anyone impacted by the recent accidental disclosure of private information by the California Department of Justice (DOJ).

This breach revealed the personal information of individuals who were granted or denied a concealed and carry weapons (CCW) permit between 2011-2021. The information exposed included names, addresses, dates of birth, gender, race, driver’s license numbers, and criminal histories. 

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